Win more listings & Increase Sales

Identify Your Customers!

We help you profile new contacts and determine whether they are buyers, sellers or both. We turn web inquiries into database contacts.

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We Provide the Tools

We give you the tools to stay relevant and meaningful to your contacts… even if their next transaction is 5 years away! Better CRM utilization for contacts and other data entry.

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Ensure More Listings

Through lifetime engagement with existing contacts, and their word-of-mouth referrals, we help ensure you get more listings.

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Communication is Key

We automate and customize communication with your contacts, ensuring consistent communication from you and relevance to your buyers and sellers. We also provide timely inbox reports showing your contacts' activity with your properties.

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Saving You Time & Money

We save you approximately 200 hours per year, allowing more time for prospecting and existing contact relationship enhancement.

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Keeping Your Contacts in the Loop

We send reminders to your contacts of when properties are available for inspection.

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Close the Deal

We automate and customize communication with your contacts, ensuring consistent communication from you and relevance to your buyers and sellers. We also provide timely inbox reports showing your contacts' activity with your properties.

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